Friday, October 8, 2010

Hello All

Today I looked in the mirror and was actually not horrified at what I saw, my pudgy stomach was less pudgy! Yay!

Getting use to my post-baby body has not been so easy. It really is like living in a different body. In fact the whole process of bringing a child into this world has gifted me with the experience of living in multiple shapes: a cute little tummy to a huge bowling ball tummy, back down to a not so cute postpartum "little" tummy that is soft and pudgy. I'll admit, being pregnant was fun, and eating a lot was even funner, but losing 45 lbs after, not so fun. So here I am on this blog in hopes to have some people join me (and my husband) in getting back in shape, and living a healthy, happy lifestyle.

So far I've been running about 6 miles a week. Not much. But have you ever ran with a jogger and baby (she weighs 15 lbs and the jogger weighs ??) it's soo tiring and my arms are like jello after a few miles of running. However, I must admit, my arms are getting a work out which is well needed.

So here I am at 110 lbs. I was 100 lbs pre-baby.

You see that bump/tummy. Yeah not cool, it needs to go yo. I don't want to be anorexic or Hollywood skinny but I do want to be fit, and toned.

So who is with my on my new fitness project?
Tell me your goals, where you'd like to be, and what is your plan of action.

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