Monday, October 11, 2010

Foods and Running

I know this may sound weird, but the more I eat and the less I exercise the more weight I lose. Mystery. I am now at 109 lbs.  Not that I was on a diet before, I just snacked more, but I've always been a snacker. Any who, I went on a 2.5 mile run and averaged a 8:45 mile pace. It's hard for me not to be a little disappointed considering I used to run 6.5 minute mile pace. The whole postpartum body thing has thrown my center of gravity off and I've kind had to train myself to stride differently to adjust to my new body. When I first started running I was like JELLO, my feet dragged and I made that annoying sound that people make when they drag their feet. Now, I've learned to run less flat-footed, and roll my fee more in my strides, which has made running easier, but I'm still not where I liked to be. One day I suppose. It's just going to take work, persistence, and dedication.

How is your workout going? Any one have any tips?

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